The Milkweed Butterflies (subfamily Danainae) are a group of butterflies that are known for their ability to feed on milkweed plants, which contain toxic chemicals that make them unpalatable to most predators.

Some of the most well-known milkweed butterflies of the world include:
1. Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus): This is perhaps the most famous milkweed butterfly, known for its long-distance migration and striking orange and black coloration. Monarchs are found throughout North and South America, as well as in some parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia.

The Adventures of Johnny Butterflyseed – Author Signed First Edition Children’s Book
Save the monarchs!
Johnny Butterflyseed and his fairy friend, Raven Silverwing, embark on a mission to save the rapidly disappearing butterflies. They enlist the help of Queen Venus Goldwing and her kingdom of monarchs to educate and inspire kids to become butterfly farmers. At first, Johnny faces his own internal struggle with self-doubt and fear in his ability to make a difference, but then soon develops a mindset that allows him to not only get started, but also make progress one day at a time. Through challenge after challenge, Johnny learns that he is not alone in his mission and that there are many people who want to help. Together, Johnny, Raven, and Queen Venus educate thousands of children on becoming butterfly farmers.
2. Queen Butterfly (Danaus gilippus): This butterfly is closely related to the Monarch and is found throughout much of North and South America. It is slightly smaller than the Monarch and has more muted coloration.

3. Common Tiger Butterfly (Danaus genutia): This butterfly is found in Asia and Australia and is known for its striking black and white stripes and orange wings. It is similar in appearance to the Monarch and Queen butterflies.

4. Black Veined Butterfly (Danaus melanippus): This butterfly is found in Africa and parts of Asia, and is also similar in appearance to the Monarch and Queen butterflies.

5. Wanderer Butterfly (Danaus plexaure): This butterfly is found in parts of Asia and Australia, and has a similar appearance to the Monarch and Queen butterflies.

These are just a few examples of the many milkweed butterflies found throughout the world, and there are many other species and subspecies within the Danainae subfamily that are also adapted to feed on milkweed plants.

20 Florida-Native Sandhill Milkweed Seeds Ascslepias Humistrata Pinewood Milkweed
With Johnny Butterflyseed’s Sandhill Milkweed seeds, you’re not just planting flowers; you’re cultivating a living mosaic of nature’s marvels. Florida Native.