Home » In Which Mexican States is Tropical Milkweed Native?
Butterfly Farming Tropical Milkweed (Asclepias Curassavica)

In Which Mexican States is Tropical Milkweed Native?

Asclepias curassavica, commonly known as Tropical Milkweed, Mexican Butterflyweed, or Bloodflower, is native to several countries in the Americas, including Mexico.

In Mexico, Asclepias curassavica is native to the following states:

1. Baja California

2. Baja California Sur

3. Sonora

4. Sinaloa

5. Nayarit

6. Jalisco

7. Colima

8. Michoacán

9. Guerrero

10. Oaxaca

11. Chiapas

12. Campeche

13. Quintana Roo

These states encompass a wide range of ecosystems and climates, from the arid regions of Baja California to the tropical regions of Chiapas and Quintana Roo. Asclepias curassavica is a popular plant known for its vibrant red and orange flowers and its importance as a host plant for monarch butterflies, whose native range covers these same states.

The more we learn about Milkweed, the better we can tend to Monarch Butterflies; here, Mexico, or anywhere they have become naturalized. Together we can make it better.. one day at a time!

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