Ladies and Gentlemen, winged enthusiasts of all ages, gather ’round the garden ring for the ultimate battle of butterflies! In one corner, wearing its orange and black, the reigning champion, the Monarch Butterfly! And in the other corner, the spunky up-and-comer wearing a strikingly similar ensemble, the Viceroy Butterfly! Let’s break down the stats before we flutter into this epic 12-round showdown!

The Tale of the Tape
The Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)
Larval Host Plant: Milkweed (Watch out, it’s poisonous to most predators!)
Days in Pupation: 8-15 days of metamorphic magic
Wingspan: 3.7 to 4.1 inches of soaring elegance
Coloring: Vibrant orange and black (Yes, black is slimming, even on butterflies)
Special Moves: The “Milkweed Munch” and the famous “Migration Marathon”

125 Butterfly Milkweed Seeds (Asclepias Tuberosa) for North America
More than 600mg of Butterfly Milkweed Seeds (Asclepias tuberosa). Origin Kentucky.
The Viceroy Butterfly (Limenitis archippus)
Larval Host Plant: Willows and Poplars (Slightly less toxic but still quite trendy)
Days in Pupation: 9-14 days of transformative talent
Wingspan: A slightly more modest 2.8 to 3.3 inches
Coloring: Orange and black, too, but with a unique line across its hind wings (Designer patterns, anyone?)
Special Moves: The “Willow Whirl” and the “Mimicry Mayhem”
Round-by-Round Highlights
Round 1-3: Both butterflies flutter around each other, showing off their magnificent wingspans. The Monarch’s slight advantage in size is offset by the Viceroy’s feisty approach. They trade blows in the “Larval Host Plant Chew-Off.”
Round 4-6: The “Pupation Period Showdown” commences, with both taking nearly the same time to transform. The crowd of bumblebees and ladybugs goes wild!
Round 7-9: The coloring contest ensues. Who wore it better? It’s hard to tell! The Viceroy’s mimicry is so on point that the judges’ compound eyes are spinning.
Round 10-12: The final rounds see both butterflies unleash their special moves. The Monarch’s “Milkweed Munch” meets the Viceroy’s “Willow Whirl.” The “Migration Marathon” clashes with “Mimicry Mayhem.” It’s a flurry of wings and style!

25 Florida-Native Maypop Purple Passionvine Seeds (Passiflora Incarnata)
Maypop Purple Passionvine Passiflora Incarnata seeds. Florida Native. 25+ seeds.
And the Result?
After 12 thrilling rounds of butterfly brilliance, the judges (a panel of wise old owls) declare the match a draw! Both competitors proved their worth, showcasing their unique traits and survival skills. The garden erupted in a symphony of chirps and buzzes, a standing ovation from the insect world.
The Monarch may still wear the crown, but the Viceroy has certainly fluttered its way into the hearts of all bug enthusiasts. Whether you’re team Monarch or team Viceroy, one thing is certain: the world of butterflies is full of color, grace, and never-ending surprises.
So, dear readers, till the next pollination season and the inevitable rematch, keep your antennae up and wings ready. The battle for the Butterfly Heavyweight Champion title is far from over!

The Adventures of Johnny Butterflyseed – Author Signed First Edition Children’s Book
Save the monarchs!
Johnny Butterflyseed and his fairy friend, Raven Silverwing, embark on a mission to save the rapidly disappearing butterflies. They enlist the help of Queen Venus Goldwing and her kingdom of monarchs to educate and inspire kids to become butterfly farmers. At first, Johnny faces his own internal struggle with self-doubt and fear in his ability to make a difference, but then soon develops a mindset that allows him to not only get started, but also make progress one day at a time. Through challenge after challenge, Johnny learns that he is not alone in his mission and that there are many people who want to help. Together, Johnny, Raven, and Queen Venus educate thousands of children on becoming butterfly farmers.