Mexico is divided into 32 federal entities: 31 states and 1 federal district (Mexico City). The country can be divided into several regions, although the specific divisions might vary depending on the source.

Here’s a common regional division with the respective states and their abbreviations:
- North
- Baja California (BC)
- Baja California Sur (BCS)
- Chihuahua (CHH)
- Coahuila (COAH)
- Durango (DGO)
- Nuevo León (NL)
- Sinaloa (SIN)
- Sonora (SON)
- Tamaulipas (TAM)
- Zacatecas (ZAC)
- Central
- Aguascalientes (AGS)
- Colima (COL)
- Guanajuato (GTO)
- Jalisco (JAL)
- México (MEX)
- Michoacán (MICH)
- Nayarit (NAY)
- Querétaro (QRO)
- San Luis Potosí (SLP)
- South Pacific
- Guerrero (GRO)
- Oaxaca (OAX)
- Chiapas (CHIS)
- Gulf
- Campeche (CAMP)
- Tabasco (TAB)
- Veracruz (VER)
- Yucatán Peninsula
- Yucatán (YUC)
- Quintana Roo (ROO)
- East
- Hidalgo (HGO)
- Morelos (MOR)
- Puebla (PUE)
- Tlaxcala (TLAX)
- Federal District
- Mexico City (CDMX)
Johnny uses these provinces to help bring you the moat appropriate butterfly seeds available.