The United States does not have “official” regions in the same way it has official states. However, for various purposes (such as census data collection, geographic studies, and administrative reasons), the country is often divided into regions.

Johhny Butterflyseed uses the common regional division as set by the U.S. Census Bureau.
Here’s a breakdown based Johnny Butterflyseed’s regional divisions:
- Northeast
- Connecticut (CT)
- Maine (ME)
- Massachusetts (MA)
- New Hampshire (NH)
- New Jersey (NJ)
- New York (NY)
- Pennsylvania (PA)
- Rhode Island (RI)
- Vermont (VT)
- Midwest
- Illinois (IL)
- Indiana (IN)
- Iowa (IA)
- Kansas (KS)
- Michigan (MI)
- Minnesota (MN)
- Missouri (MO)
- Nebraska (NE)
- North Dakota (ND)
- Ohio (OH)
- South Dakota (SD)
- Wisconsin (WI)
- South
- Alabama (AL)
- Arkansas (AR)
- Delaware (DE)
- Florida (FL)
- Georgia (GA)
- Kentucky (KY)
- Louisiana (LA)
- Maryland (MD)
- Mississippi (MS)
- North Carolina (NC)
- Oklahoma (OK)
- South Carolina (SC)
- Tennessee (TN)
- Texas (TX)
- Virginia (VA)
- West Virginia (WV)
- West
- Alaska (AK)
- Arizona (AZ)
- California (CA)
- Colorado (CO)
- Hawaii (HI)
- Idaho (ID)
- Montana (MT)
- Nevada (NV)
- New Mexico (NM)
- Oregon (OR)
- Utah (UT)
- Washington (WA)
- Wyoming (WY)
These regions assist in determining the most suitable seeds for your butterflies. Numerous sub-regions exist too, like the “Gulf States” bordering the Gulf of Mexico. Plants tend not to adhere to Census Bureau classifications.
Here are our product categories, including all the regions. Click your region or state/province to find seeds for you!
- All Products37 products
- Dollar Deals5 products
- Educational Materials5 products
- Johnny Butterflyseed Books1 product
- Seeds31 products
- Florida Native Seeds11 products
- Nectar Plant Seeds6 products
- Shelter Plant Seeds7 products
- Larval Host Plant Seeds17 products
- Milkweed Seeds12 products