Zizotes Milkweed (Asclepias oenotheroides)
Native to South Texas, this milkweed sports intricate, purple-tinged flowers and is a particular favorite of the Queen butterfly.

Milkweed Seeds
Seeds for growing plants in the Milkweed genus (Asclepias); required for all Milkweed butterflies, like the Monarch and Queen.
Texas Milkweed (Asclepias texana)
As the name suggests, this milkweed is endemic to Texas and is characterized by its white to pale pink flowers. It’s commonly found in woodlands and along riverbanks.

Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)
This vibrant, orange-flowered species prefers sandy or rocky soils and is often found in the Texas Hill Country. Unlike other milkweeds, this one lacks the milky sap that gives the group its name.

125 Butterfly Milkweed Seeds (Asclepias Tuberosa) for North America
More than 600mg of Butterfly Milkweed Seeds (Asclepias tuberosa). Origin Kentucky.