English Entomology Fairy Tales Milkweeds (Asclepias) Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

“Never Frass Uphill”: A Day in the Life of Marty the Monarch Caterpillar

The Gravity of the Situation

You see, frassing uphill can lead to some unpleasant situations. Imagine this: you’re enjoying a leafy feast, and you decide it’s time to lighten the load. If you’re facing uphill, gravity is not your friend. Your frass could roll back down and land on you—or even worse, on your food! Talk about a meal-ruiner!

Marty munching on his favorite: Asclepias tuberosa.

Dining Etiquette

So, the key to a happy, frass-free meal is simple: always position yourself so you’re facing downhill before letting go. That way, your frass will roll away from you, leaving you to enjoy your milkweed in peace. Ah, the simple joys of caterpillar life!

Spreading the Wisdom

I’ve taken it upon myself to educate the younger larvae in my area. Every now and then, I see a puzzled caterpillar, frass clinging to its bristles, and I can’t help but share my family’s wisdom. They’re always grateful—once they’re done blushing, that is!

The Circle of Life

Soon, I’ll be off on my own adventure, metamorphosing into a beautiful Monarch butterfly. But until then, I’ll be here, munching away and living by the golden rule of “Never Frass Uphill.”

So next time you’re up against life’s little challenges, just remember: even a Monarch caterpillar knows the importance of going with the flow—or in this case, letting it flow downhill!

Keep munching and keep smiling! 🐛

Marty the Monarch Caterpillar

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