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Introducing “Pollinator Density”

A New Measure for Understanding Plant-Pollinator Relationships By Johnny Butterflyseed

Pollinators are the unsung heroes of our ecosystems, playing a critical role in the reproduction of countless plant species. From bees and butterflies to beetles and birds, these creatures ensure that plants can produce the seeds and fruits necessary for their survival—and ours. But how do we measure the effectiveness of different plants in supporting these vital pollinators? This is where the concept of “Pollinator Density” comes in.

Simply put, Pollinator Density is a measure of how many different pollinators a particular plant can attract and sustain in a given area. The above Milkweed has room for both the Monarch and the bee, because it has good Pollinator Density.

What is Pollinator Density?

Pollinator Density is a term I’ve coined to describe the capacity of any plant species to support pollinators. Simply put, it’s a measure of how many different pollinators a particular plant can attract and sustain in a given area. Unlike traditional approaches that might focus solely on the presence of pollinators, Pollinator Density provides a more dynamic understanding of the interaction between plants and their pollinator communities.

Why Pollinator Density Matters

Understanding Pollinator Density is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Ecosystem Health: High Pollinator Density indicates a thriving ecosystem where pollinators have access to the resources they need.
  2. Plant Selection for Gardens: For gardeners, especially those interested in supporting biodiversity, knowing which plants have a high Pollinator Density can guide their choices.
  3. Conservation Efforts: Conservationists can use Pollinator Density data to prioritize the protection and restoration of plant species that are critical for maintaining pollinator populations.

Measuring Pollinator Density

While measuring Pollinator Density requires careful study and biological expertise, there are methods that can provide reliable data:

1. Quadrat Method: The most accurate way to determine Pollinator Density is to count all the individuals within a specific area using a quadrat—a square frame used by biologists to define a sample area for study. This method involves painstakingly counting the number of different pollinators that visit the plant species within the quadrat over a set period of time.

2. Approximation by Spraying: For those who might not have access to advanced scientific tools, a simple approximation method can be used. By spraying an area of the plant species—such as Bidens alba, commonly known as Butterfly Needle—on a dry, sunny day, you can observe how many different pollinators rise from within and form a cloud around the plant. This “cloud” of pollinators can give you a rough idea of the plant’s Pollinator Density.

For a good rough estimate of Pollinator Density, simply spray any plant on a dry sunny day and observe how many pollinators are stirred up. Many pollinators means a High Pollinator Density whereas few to no pollinators means a Low Pollinator Density.


  • Bidens alba: When Butterfly Needle is misted with a garden hose during the middle of a dry and sunny day, an extreme density of pollinators is often roused. This indicates a high Pollinator Density for Bidens alba, making it an excellent choice for gardens aiming to support a wide variety of pollinators.
Every Bug, Bird, and Moth loves Bidens Alba with its exceptionally high Pollinator Density.
  • Schefflera Arboricola: When the non-native Schefflera arboricola is misted with a garden hose, few if any pollinators emerge. That is because Schefflera Arboricola is not a significant nectar source, nor does it produce flowers that are particularly attractive to pollinators. The structure of its flowers, when they are present, does not provide the abundant nectar or pollen that pollinators seek. As a result, it simply does not support a diverse or abundant population of pollinators.
Chinese Schefflera Arboricola has an Extremely Low Pollinator Density in Florida and should be replaced with a good Butterfly Shelter Plant, like Black Drink Holly.

3. Recording and Analysis: For a more detailed and accurate count, consider recording the spraying process with a video camera. By analyzing the video frame by frame, you can get a solid count of the different pollinator species present. This method allows you to document the interactions and make more precise measurements of Pollinator Density.

Applications of Pollinator Density

For Gardeners: Knowing the Pollinator Density of different plants can help you choose species that will best support local pollinators. For instance, plants like Bidens alba, with their high Pollinator Density, can create a haven for butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects.

For Conservationists: Pollinator Density can be used to identify key plant species that are crucial for sustaining pollinator populations. By focusing conservation efforts on these high-density plants, we can more effectively protect and restore pollinator habitats.

For Researchers: Pollinator Density offers a new metric for studying plant-pollinator interactions. It can complement existing methods by providing a more nuanced understanding of how different plants contribute to the overall health of pollinator communities.


Pollinator Density is a powerful concept that can help us better understand and support the vital relationships between plants and pollinators. Whether you’re a gardener looking to attract more butterflies to your yard, a conservationist working to protect endangered species, or a researcher studying ecosystem dynamics, Pollinator Density provides a valuable tool for your work. By adopting this concept, we can all contribute to the health and vitality of our natural world, ensuring that pollinators—and the plants they support—continue to thrive… one day at a time!

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