In addition to being a nectar source, Zinnias can serve as a food plant for the caterpillars of several moth species.
Butterfly Farming
Anything that Grows Butterflies falls under “Butterfly Farming”
Are There Moths That Look Like Monarch Butterflies?
Yes, there are several species of moths that can be mistaken for Monarch butterflies due to their similar coloration and patterns. This phenomenon, where two or more species share similar warning signals, is known as Müllerian mimicry. Here are some examples: Viceroy Moth (Limenitis archippus) Although technically a butterfly and […]
What Does a Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar Look Like?
Picture it not with your eyes, but through your mind’s touch, embarking on a journey of metamorphosis from a tactile perspective.
Butterfly Friendly Plants of the California Chaparral
California’s chaparral is a unique ecosystem, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, that is home to a variety of plants that butterflies find irresistible.
The Regal Tale of Danaus Plexippus: A Monarch Among Us
What is the scientific name of the Monarch butterfly? Johnny would like to answer in the form of a fairy tale.
Is a Butterfly an Animal?
Is a Butterfly an Animal? It’s actually not an easy quesrion to answer… would you bet your life on your answer? Better be sure with Johny Butterflyseed.
Acid Scarification for Hard-Coated Seeds
Acid scarification is a method used to break down the hard outer seed coat of certain types of angiosperms, making it easier for water and air to penetrate to the embryo inside.
How to Germinate Skyblue Lupine Seeds (Lupinus diffusus)
Germinating Lupinus diffusus, Skyblue Lupine or Spreading Lupine, from seeds can be achieved following these steps