It’s said that you like orange juice.Perhaps you knowthat I squeeze several oranges each day.Perhaps that’s why you hovernear my door.You’re noisy like the blue jay,and not as pretty,but I like you anyway.Red is my favorite colorin case you didn’t know,and you get double points,because your eyes are red.So you […]
Quercus Geminata: A Keystone Species for Ecosystem Restoration and Beyond
Quercus geminata, commonly known as the Sand Live Oak, is a prominent feature of the unique dune-like ecosystems of the central Florida Lake Wales Ridge.
Florida’s Neotropical Realm
The “Neotropical Realm” encompasses a variety of ecosystems and spans across much of South and Central America, as well as parts of the Caribbean and southern North America, including parts of Florida. In terms of USDA Hardiness Zones, Florida includes three zones that fall within the Neotropical Realm. These zones […]
Prairie Blazing Star: A Gem for Butterfly Gardens
Prairie Blazing Star (Liatris Pycnostachya and/or L. spicata) is a stunning native plant known for its tall, spike-like inflorescences adorned with vibrant purple flowers. This beautiful plant is a magnet for butterflies, making it a perfect addition to butterfly gardens across the United States. A Unique Native The Prairie Blazing […]
Comparing Liatris Pycnostachya of Central US and Liatris Spicata of Florida
Liatris Pycnostachya, commonly known as Prairie Blazing Star, and Liatris Spicata, also known as Prairie Blazing Star, as well as Dense Blazing Star and Spiked Gayfeather, are two species within the Liatris genus that exhibit remarkable similarities in their morphology. Despite their native ranges being separated by considerable geographic distances, […]
Differences Between Asclepias Incarnata and Asclepias Perennis
“White Swamp Milkweed”: A Guide by Johnny Butterflyseed As an advocate for native plants and the preservation of butterfly habitats, Johnny Butterflyseed is committed to educating enthusiasts about the various milkweed species that support monarch butterflies in Florida and throughout the U.S. Southeast. Today, we focus on two milkweed species […]
The Benefits of American Black Nightshade (Solanum americanum Mill.) for Bobwhite Quail in Florida and the Southeast
American Black Nightshade (Solanum americanum Mill.) is an often overlooked but vital plant species that plays a significant role in the habitat and diet of the endangered Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus). This article delves into the importance of American Black Nightshade for Bobwhite Quail across Florida and the southeastern United […]
Planting Guide for Monarch Sunflower Seeds (Helianthus annuus)
This guide will provide you with all the necessary steps to successfully plant and nurture Monarch Sunflowers across USDA Zones 1 through 11.