By planting Swamp Milkweed, you will attract butterflies, including Monarch butterflies, and provide a habitat for their caterpillars… one day at a time!
Can A Plant With a Name Like “Swamp Milkweed” Be Any Good?
While the name “Swamp Milkweed” may evoke images of wetlands and moisture, it is important to note that this plant is highly adaptable and can thrive in various growing conditions.
Complete List of Florida Native Milkweed
There are 18 native species of Milkweed (Asclepias) in Florida
What are the Native Milkweed Species for Sumter County, Florida?
Sumter County Florida has eight Milkweed species recognized as native. Here is the list of Sumter County Milkweeds.
Is Giant Milkweed Invasive to North America?
While there is not a clear answer as to invasiveness, Giant Milkweed does feed hungry Milkweed Caterpillars.
Top 10 Plants for Butterfly Gardens of North America
Here are ten commonly recommended plants for a butterfly garden in North America.
Marigolds in the Butterfly Garden
Marigolds have several useful qualities in a butterfly garden beyond their attractiveness and nectar-rich flowers.
The Butterfly Lifecycle – Simplified!
The butterfly lifecycle, also known as metamorphosis, involves four stages: egg, caterpillar (larva), chrysalis (pupa), and adult butterfly.