Hard or dormant seeds are seeds that do not readily germinate under optimal conditions that would otherwise be favorable for the germination of non-dormant seeds of the same species. This dormancy acts as a survival mechanism for the plant, ensuring that the seeds don’t all germinate at once, especially under […]
Scrub Plum (Prunus geniculata)
The scrub plum is a small shrub endemic to the oak scrub and high pine communities of the Lake Wales Ridge. The scrub plum has declined with the destruction and fragmentation of its scrub habitat for agriculture and residential housing.
Johnny Butterflyseed Finds Scrub Plum (Prunus geniculata) Seedling in the Wild
Johnny Butterflyseed has found a Scrub Plum (Prunus geniculata) seedling in the wild, an exceptionally rare occurrence. Scrub Plum seedlings are so rare that determining the causes of their rarity was the central focus of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s recovery plan (USFWS, 1999). In annual censuses of ~900 […]
Johnny Butterflyseed Celebrates First Scrub Plum (Prunus geniculata) Sprout
Johnny Butterflyseed’s first Scrub Plum
Johnny Butterflyseed Submits Polk County’s First Scrub Plum Herbarium Specimen in Almost 34 Years
The endangered Scrub Plum (prunus geniculata) is submitted by Johnny Butterflyseed to two Florida herbaria, the first for Polk County in a third of a century.