It’s generally best to observe without touching. If you must handle a chrysalis (for instance, if it’s in a location where it might get damaged), ensure your hands are clean, be as gentle as possible, and minimize the time you spend handling it.
Monarch (Danaus plexippus)
The king of the butterflies!
Do Monarch Caterpillars Eat Each Other?
Monarch caterpillars are primarily herbivores and feed almost exclusively on milkweed plants.
La Gran Migración de las Hadas Monarca
Cada año, menos mariposas hacían el viaje a la reunión. Murmullos de preocupación se esparcieron entre las hadas sobre el menguante número de sus queridas Monarcas.
The Great Migration of the Monarch Fairies
Each year, fewer and fewer butterflies would make the journey to the gathering. Whispered worries spread among the fairy folk about the dwindling numbers of their beloved Monarchs.
Maine Native Milkweed
In Maine, there are several native milkweed species. Johnny shares some of the most common ones.
Comparative Analysis: The Decline of the Monarch Butterfly and the Devastation of the U.S. Plains in the Context of Mass-Scale Farming Techniques
Abstract This article aims to draw parallels between the decline of the Monarch butterfly and the devastation of the U.S. plains, emphasizing the role of mass-scale farming techniques. Both instances provide telling narratives about human interactions with ecosystems and the unintended consequences of industrial agriculture. 1. Introduction The Monarch butterfly […]
Monarch Butterfly Extinction: Your Milkweed Mission Awaits
The natural world is in peril. Monarchs, known for their striking orange and black markings, are on the verge of extinction.
Do Monarch Caterpillars Need Water?
Just like any living organism, Monarch caterpillars need water to survive. However, their hydration needs are not the same as ours.