Embracing the Florida Milkvine and other native plants is a step towards a more sustainable, biodiverse, and beautiful Florida.
Milkweeds (Asclepias)
Milkweeds are absolutely required by Monarch, Queen and Soldier Butterflies!
Balancing Top-Down Thinking with Grassroots Efforts: The Milkweed Paradigm
On one hand, we have the top-down approach, where larger institutions and governmental bodies wield vast resources and regulatory powers. On the other, there are grassroots efforts, where individuals and communities make direct interventions.
Cleaning Milkweed Pods with Ozone
Johnny Butterflyseed has pioneered the use of ozone to sterilize milkweed seed pods, which can offer several advantages.
Cleaning Milkweed Pods with Hydrogen Peroxide
Cleaning harvested milkweed seed pods with a solution like 3% hydrogen peroxide can offer several benefits, particularly if the seeds are intended for propagation or distribution.
Milkweed Mass Plantings: A Monarch Festival Movement to Revitalize Habitats
Milkweed Mass Plantings are community-driven events where large tracts of land are designated for planting milkweed en masse.
Starting Milkweed from Seed: An Essential Step Towards Biodiversity Conservation
This article delves into the significance of milkweed, the challenges with purchasing grown plants, and a guide to starting milkweed from seed.
Milkweed Pollination: The Intricate Dance
Beyond its vibrant blossoms and pivotal role in the butterfly’s life cycle, milkweed hides a remarkable and unique pollination mechanism.
Do Wasps Nectar from Milkweed Flowers?
Milkweeds (Asclepias spp.) produce nectar that attracts a variety of insects, including bees, butterflies, beetles, and wasps.