Berättelsen om Fétillvägvisaren och hennes bön om mjölkört blev en älskad legend, en påminnelse om att varje varelse, oavsett hur liten, spelar en avgörande roll i livets väv.
Milkweeds (Asclepias)
Milkweeds are absolutely required by Monarch, Queen and Soldier Butterflies!
In parthenogenesis, offspring develop from unfertilized eggs.
What are the Yellow Bugs on My Milkweed Plants?
While aphids can be a nuisance, milkweed plants are usually resilient and can withstand a moderate aphid infestation.
La Gran Migración de las Hadas Monarca
Cada año, menos mariposas hacían el viaje a la reunión. Murmullos de preocupación se esparcieron entre las hadas sobre el menguante número de sus queridas Monarcas.
The Great Migration of the Monarch Fairies
Each year, fewer and fewer butterflies would make the journey to the gathering. Whispered worries spread among the fairy folk about the dwindling numbers of their beloved Monarchs.
Green Antelopehorn (Asclepias viridis): Native Range and Care Guide Across USDA Zones
Green Antelopehorn a beautiful, beneficial, and hardy plant that can thrive across a broad range of USDA zones.
Comparative Analysis: The Decline of the Monarch Butterfly and the Devastation of the U.S. Plains in the Context of Mass-Scale Farming Techniques
Abstract This article aims to draw parallels between the decline of the Monarch butterfly and the devastation of the U.S. plains, emphasizing the role of mass-scale farming techniques. Both instances provide telling narratives about human interactions with ecosystems and the unintended consequences of industrial agriculture. 1. Introduction The Monarch butterfly […]
What Does Milkweed Look Like?
By painting a vivid picture with words, we’ll explore the various features that make milkweed unique and recognizable.