Lupines (genus Lupinus) are a vital part of many ecosystems, and their role in North American butterfly gardens is no less significant.
Larval Host Plants
Vascular plants that are required by the larva of Butterflies (Papilionoidea)
The Versatile Black Drink Holly (Ilex nigrempotum): A Blessing from Nature
Revered by Native American tribes for its multitude of uses and unique properties, this plant stands as a testament to the vast potential of our natural world.
How Long do Monarch Eggs Take to Hatch?
How long do monarch eggs take to hatch?
Do Deer Eat Milkweed?
Deer are known to be quite adaptable in their feeding habits and can consume a wide variety of plants. However, they generally avoid Milkweed due to its bitter taste and the plant’s natural defense mechanism. Milkweed contains cardiac glycosides, which are toxic compounds that can be harmful if consumed in […]
What Flowers Attract Butterflies?
Butterflies are attracted to a wide range of flowers, with the best options often being those that provide plenty of nectar.
Butterfly Friendly Plants of the California Chaparral
California’s chaparral is a unique ecosystem, characterized by hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters, that is home to a variety of plants that butterflies find irresistible.
Lupine as Butterfly Larval Host Plant
Many species of butterflies use various species of lupines (Lupinus) as host plants for their larvae. It’s important to note that butterfly-host relationships can be specific not only to the genus, but to the species level as well. Also, butterfly species’ distributions can affect which lupine species they interact with. […]
What do Milkweed Seeds Look Like?
Milkweed seeds are flat and oval-shaped, and they are usually about a quarter of an inch long. They’re typically a light brown or tan color.