"We cannot live in a world where the Monarch Butterfly does not exist. Period."
Tarisa Parrish, Author of The Adventures of Johnny Butterflyseed
“Where have all the butterflies gone?!” Johnny Butterflyseed exclaimed, as he searched his butterfly garden for monarch butterflies. When he found only a few monarch butterflies instead of the hundreds normally flying around his garden, he felt tears form in his eyes. Every year he noticed fewer butterflies than the year before.
-excerpt from The Adventures of Johnny Butterflyseed
“The monarch butterfly is in peril and spiraling downward. Our children will
determine whether the monarch makes a comeback or becomes one of North
America’s rarest butterflies. It is vitally important that children are aware of the
problems that monarchs face and how we can all help—even children. This
delightful book does exactly that and should be on the bookshelf of everyone
child! Tarisa Parrish has seamlessly woven fact with fiction to create a story of
importance, charisma, and hope for monarch butterflies in the future.”

“I had a monarch butterfly once that I raised just like Johnny Butterflyseed did! I
really enjoyed the story of saving the monarch butterflies and teaching other kids
how to raise and care for them. I think monarch butterflies are important because
they are so beautiful and teach us about our world.”

“The monarch is in trouble. We need help saving our disappearing butterflies. At
Save Our Monarchs Organization, our goal is to restore natural monarch butterfly
habitats by planting milkweed seeds and bringing back the monarch population.
We could not be delighted with the beautiful story Tarisa Parrish brings to life in
The Adventures of Johnny Butterflyseed, because it helps children understand what
can be done to help save the monarch butterfly. She beautifully weaves a tale that
brings fantasy and fact into a clear message that empowers children to help
restore the natural habitat and ultimately save our monarchs! This book makes an
excellent gift for any child who loves butterflies.”

“Many of my earliest childhood memories include butterflies teasing me in the air
as they remained just beyond my reach. By the time I was in college, they were a
rare sighting. Johnny Butterflyseed’s adventures remind us of the need and the
protection we must provide to see butterflies become prolific once again! I
applaud the comfortable, engaging way this book provides to secure that certain

“A lovely and accurate ecological message for current and future generations.
These connections to nature, as crucial to our own wellbeing as humans on this
planet, are expressed with thoughtfulness and creativity in this story.”

“Overreliance on pesticides have driven Monarch butterflies to the edge of
extinction. They must be protected under federal law, under the Endangered
Species Act, and we as a society must reject the chemical industry’s future for our
food, and instead adopt a more sustainable one. Ms. Parrish’s book does vital
public service in teaching the next generation these important lessons.”

“The Adventures of Johnny Butterflyseed is a beautiful and magical story every child
must read! This book shows kids how to have a dream and work toward it, the
importance of getting help from others and working together to accomplish our
goals, and how to hold a vision for a better, more sustainable future. It’s a must

“Reading Tarisa Parrish’s book The Adventures of Johnny Butterflyseed brought me
back to first grace, where my teacher Mrs. Bum Gardner taught our class how to
raise the Monarch butterfly. Little did I know, this experience would begin a
lifelong passion and become my profession! The simple lessons in life that are so
beautifully explained in the story can change the word of the Monarch butterfly.
Butterfly Dan’s Farm will proudly display the book where thousands of children
will have the opportunity to be inspired by the story!”